
Coined by my friend Garrick this morning, a concept I plan to try to practice more of this year…

Unreasonable Optimism.

A defense against the reasonable pessimism I, and I’m sure too many others, feel these days. An intentional striving for a change in perspective.

There are no words I could write that would provide any comfort for what’s happening in Los Angeles right now. Devastating and heartbreaking. Just thankful that the few people I know out there are safe.

swissmiss | An Old New House

Just a few days earlier, I made the intention to buy a house upstate that could hold all of our grown-ish children and be a physical manifestation of our love. There she was!

I saw photos of Finne and gasped. I slid the phone over to Tim and he started reading the history of the house. Then he gasped.

What we believe in.

Of all the famous and well known that I share a birthday with, I was always proudest that I shared it with President Jimmy Carter.

Much can be said about his missteps as President. More can be said of the humble Christian service he brought to the office of ex-President.

An example for us all.