by Patrick Rhone, Master Generalist
“Your behaviors, you don’t realize it, but you are being programmed,” he said. “It was unintentional, but now you gotta decide how much you’re going to give up, how much of your intellectual independence.” — Former Facebook executive: social media is ripping society apart | Technology | The Guardian
Derek Sivers reminds us that what we’re looking for might be found in an unlikely place.
Seth Godin wants you to replace meetings with reading at work. He even suggests some good books to start with.
Worth a re-share, here’s an incomplete list of smart folks that make my day better. All worth a subscribe.
Rebecca Toh tells us how to ready for two hours a day. As with most things, it’s saying no to one thing so that we can say yes to another.
My simple politics: There is no “them”. There is only us.
"Yes, let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius." This is important.