
Something I Love: REI Fleece Jacket

I have this fleece jacket that I love. Bought it at REI several years ago. It has served me well ever since. It is the perfect weight. Not too light and not too heavy. Perfect for a chilly Minnesota day. It was in the low thirties today with no wind and I was perfectly fine in this over a long sleeve shirt all day. It also is super durable. It is the fleece I grab when I know I’m going to be in for some rough or dirty business.

When I bought it, it was near the end of the season. There were not many left. I would have preferred black or grey. But they had none in my size. I could find only one in my size — this one. So, the green it was. I’ve since come to be just fine with it.

Generally, when I find something like this that I like I try to buy two or three. Largely because the inevitable happens — I’ll never be able to find it again. This is true here it would seem. The models I have seen at REI in the years since have all been just a bit off. A bit heavier or lighter or the fit not quite the same.

Yet, I don’t really need another just yet. This seems to be holding up well enough to keep me warm in cooler weather. It is paranoia, really. That I have now been spoiled by the best fleece ever and nothing else will compare.

So, I shall try to take as good of care of it as it has of me all of these years. I owe it, at least, this.