
Because the nerds need to know, here’s what I use for a Travel Journal — The no-longer produced Pelle Journal. Perfect for the task. Other fun fact: I always write my travel entries in brown ink. With the cream colored paper it seems more “travelly” to me.

Pelle Journal with Camera on a Small Table

Choosing Happy

So this is the deal. There’s a lot on my life that’s not perfect (and yes, I know social media makes everything look great). There’s a lot of stress, and worry, and things not working right, and anxiety, and all of that. Right now, I’m struggling with having been sick a lot this year despite the mild winter, and some overarching dread that there’s some huge health issue and I’m going to die young like my mom..

But every single day I wake up and make the choice to be happy.

Gosh, I love her.

Coining a new term:

Jacket Book — Everything you need to know from the book can be gleaned from simply reading the jacket, thus eliminating the need to read the whole book.

Many non-fictions fit this category perfectly. Maybe deserves it’s own genre.

Beatrix has only been to a McDonalds one other time in her life. And only for an ice cream cone. So, when tonight at the fish fry the subject of Shamrock Shakes came up, we realized we had to explain by doing.

Shamrock Shakes

Kottke.org Redesigns With 2024 Vibes

In thinking about how I wanted kottke.org to look and, more importantly, feel going forward, I wanted more social media energy than blog energy — one could also say “more old school blog energy than contemporary blog energy”. Blogs now either look like Substack/Medium or Snow Fall and I didn’t want to pattern kottke.org after either of those things. I don’t want to write articles — I want to blog.

Jason Kottke’s new redesign is perfect for the task he sets out to do. Plan the work and work the plan. What we believe in.