For those who are not aware, Beatrix Camille Gladhill Rhone, our first daughter, was born on February 9th, 2008. Mother and baby are doing very well. All updates, pictures and pronouncements can be found on her blog (yes, Beatrix already has her own blog). Link is below.
All Hail Duchess Beatrix
For those who are not aware, Beatrix Camille Gladhill Rhone, our first daughter, was born on February 9th, 2008. Mother and baby are doing very well. All updates, pictures and pronouncements can be found on her blog (yes, Beatrix already has her own blog). Link is below.
I was hoping that you were linking to a Tumblr page and I was pleasantly surprised.
I read your blog whenever you update it and really dig it. Also, my wife and I really enjoyed your recommendations for Minneapolis/St. Paul when we visited your fair city last summer.
When we picked up the magazine in question (the name of which escapes me) we flipped through it, saw the article with you and Bethany, read it, and then I told my wife, “I know that guy! I read his blog!”
Thank you!
What article with you and Bethany? In what magazine?
Patrick! You’re falling down in your self-promotion duties! 🙂
Sorry Michael… I could have sworn I mentioned it. Bethany and I entered a contest in Metro Magazine. We had to describe the perfect Twin Cities weekend we would treat an out of town visitor to. Our entry won. The prize was $1000.00 and a trip to Cancun. Due to the pregnancy, we have not been able to take the trip but plan to this summer with Beatrix in tow.