
Movie Credit Boredom in Japan β€” Ridgeline issue 168

Back to the movies: When a movie ends in Japan, a miraculous, truly miraculous, almost otherworldly thing happens β€” nobody moves. The credits roll. The lights stay off. Nary a smartphone light can be seen. I went to MI:7 (FUN) last week and the IMAX theater was packed. The movie ended, the credits began and I looked and looked β€” I was seated in the back row with a view of pretty much every seat. Hundreds of people. Nothing. No shifting. No peeking at messages. No rushing back to scrolling. And the credits were long! These were not quick credits. And yet, we all sat in spectacular shared boredom.

For the record, my family ALWAYS stays through the credits. Even as others are shuffling around us to leave. It’s a show of respect to the hundreds of people it took to make the film.