Besides the very sexy action office pr0n the sell, they also have great tips too. Take this great article, called Making Reference Items Helpful, for example. A lot is made out of reference materials and filing in GTD land but not a lot is written about it. It starts out with a bang too “What is the relevance? For what purpose would I refer back to it at some point? If you can’t answer this question, throw the damn thing out!”.
If you are a Mac user, and you have not checked Quicksilver out, you have no idea about the productivity your are missing. More than just a launcher, Quicksilver is an entirely fresh and fast way to interface with your computer. Merlin at 43 Folders is on top of things of course with this excellent guide for Getting started (or reacquainted) with Quicksilver. It includes links to guides, video tutorials and some good places to start down the path of this incredibly deep and rich program.
Speaking of Merlin, if you have not been catching his new vidcast series, The Merlin Show, you are missing out on some great content. There have been some fantastic interviews with independent types about how they get stuff done, deal with distractions and otherwise go about living this life. Not too late to catch up.
What ToDo is a newish GTD program for the Mac. I downloaded it and played with it for a while and I must say I am pretty impressed. It is simple, clean and, most importantly for someone like myself who is outline-centric, hierarchical. While it can’t compete for my love against Backpack (it’s that whole “cold, dead, hands” thing), if I were to use a desktop GTD program, this would probably be it.