
Today is Beatrix’s birthday. She shall henceforth for the coming year be referred to as Beatrix, age 12. Official celebrations were held yesterday. In lieu of gifts, she requests that the adults in the room preserve her democracy and save her planet.

“I know her. She does my favorite Cake in a Mug recipe on YouTube. But, she’s all like ‘It’s so easy..’ and ‘All you have to do is..’ and I’m like, ‘Yeah, except spend a bunch of time after washing the mug and utensils!’ — Beatrix, age 11 watching The Pioneer Woman

“I’ve gone from a Fiesty Tiger to a Dirty Floor Tile to a Tired Tangerine.” — Beatrix, age 11.. The tweens are a time of change and she’s very self-aware about it.

Mom: “You fell asleep 2 minutes into a 10 minute drive. I thought you said you weren’t tired.” Beatrix, age 11: “Well maybe the fact I was punchy and being a feisty tiger was a clue for us all I was wrong!”

“When my friends do nice things for me I give them points. Beatrix points. There’s no prizes or anything. They just know I remember what they did.” — Beatrix, age 11

After cancer diagnosis, Aldo Moroni asks for help finishing his final project | City Pages We credit Aldo’s work with spawning Beatrix’s love of (and skill with) pottery. She hugged him long and hard through tears when we went to his Final Show this past weekend.

“You can still learn about science, but it’s not like mixing things together” — Beatrix, age 11, quoted in the Star Tribune about one of her favorite places. A magical natural place. Unfortunately, it lost its funding and is closing. We took her last weekend to say goodbye.