I’m feeling particularly empty of words today. The reasons likely many but not worth the mention. Therefore, I have a grab bag of stuff to share. Mostly promotional for people I believe in. That said, these are all things that I feel you could benefit from knowing. So, here goes…
- Caesura Letters: Paperback Subscription — I’ve mentioned my friend James Shelley’s subscription newsletter, Caesura Letters, before. That said, he has just released a new option for those that would prefer not to receive more email or would like a regular collection of the emails in print. He sent me a copy as a gift and it is stunning! Seriously, the email is great but, if you are a lover of real books, this is the way to go.
- Frictionless Freelancing — I’ve also mentioned this one by my friend Aaron before. If you are a freelancer, thinking about becoming one, have ever wondered what it is all about, or just like a well written instructional full of wisdom and insight, here you go. I’m a freelancer. Have been for over 20 years. This is the book I wish I would have had when starting out. When people ask me about getting into freelancing, this is one of the two books I now recommend (this is the other one, for what it’s worth). Seriously, freelance folks, get it. It’ll help.
Sweating Commas: Professional Editing for Independent Writers — Look, writers who are serious about their writing know the value of a good editor. I know I sure do. I’m very, very, picky when it comes to editors. I have had some bad experiences in the past. There are only two editors I have ever worked with that I like and would work with again, Jason is one of them. He edited my Minimal Mac Book for me and he made it better than I ever could have on my own. Well, his new service is now available to any independent writer who wants to make sure the words they put out into the ‘verse’ are clear, correct, and polished. I recently interviewed Jason on my podcast about it. Take a listen if you want further info. Good stuff.
The Distraction Podcast Episode #10 — I recently made a guest appearance on this podcast and am really happy with the way it turned out. We covered a iety of topics from my involvement with Minimal Tools and app development, to my unusual approach to life and death, to the idea that every moment holds the potential to change your life. Lots of deep and heavy stuff. Check it out when you have the chance.
As always, thanks for reading anything I write. Your support means a lot to me. Especially, for those that have felt compelled to say thank you through a kind and generous donation.