
A Trusted System

I did not go looking for a notation system that worked for me. Instead my dash/plus system was simply an extension of something I was already doing. For as long as I can remember, I had been in taking notes in a outline-like style, with a dash proceeding each point. Therefore, since I was already in the habit of doing this, extending the functionality of that dash seemed the most simple and natural thing for me.
Also, for as long as I can remember, I have been making lists of what I needed to do on paper and placing it to the right of my workspace. I remember doing this as early as using such a list to enumerate my homework for the evening in high school (perhaps the preceding dash started here too). Eventually, I moved to doing this at work and for my tasks at home. Thus, my today card was born.
My point being that we are often quick to look outside ourselves for the answer to finding a trusted system that keeps us on track and drives our day. And, while one can certainly adopt ideas and make them one’s own, I would argue that the first, easiest, and most trusted of places to look might be an extension of something we already do. Something that can evolve and grow as we do.
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