If we, citizens, do not support our artists, then we sacrifice our imagination on the alter of crude reality and we end up believing in nothing and having worthless dreams.
blog.pmarca.com: The Pmarca Guide to Personal Productivity
blog.pmarca.com: The Pmarca Guide to Personal Productivity
Some really great ideas here.
A Guide to Cultivating Compassion in Your Life, With 7 Practices
A Guide to Cultivating Compassion in Your Life, With 7 Practices
Excellent guide on the pratice of compassion.
eBags Mother Lode Junior 25 Wheeled Duffel > Wheeled Duffels > Duffels – eBags
eBags Mother Lode Junior 25 Wheeled Duffel > Wheeled Duffels > Duffels – eBags
Very nice rolling duffle from eBags. Highly configurable and versitile. Watch the video to get the full effect of the coolness of it.
Getting Ready for OmniFocus @ 43 Folders
Merlin Mann once again drops the mad science on how to get prepared from the upcoming release of OmniFocus which I have mentioned here before. That being said, the tips he gives not only apply to OmniFocus, but can apply whenever you are in the process of switching to a new application for your productivity system. Here is Merlin’s take…
“Moving your world of action into a new application is like moving into a new house (and can be almost as stressful). This is your chance to throw away crap, rethink how you’ve been doing things, and just give yourself a fresh start. So before you ever fire up OmniFocus for that first time, do yourself a favor and get sorted out with your current system first. Believe me, you’re much more likely to handle this well before the temptation of having the app in your hands sends you diving into using it full-time.”
I have been preaching this sermon for a long time. An application can help to support a robust productivity system but, at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is finding a system that works for you. When your system stops working, gets a little stale or no longer inspires – treat it as an opportunity to refresh and recharge. While I don’t recommend always looking for “the perfect GTD application”, sometimes switching out the tools gives you the inspiration and excitement you need to get back into the game. It has for me at least.
This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.
Richard Binder • Fountain Pens
Richard Binder • Fountain Pens
Nice custom pens recomended by my friend Austin.
The strange allure (and false hope) of email bankruptcy | 43 Folders
The strange allure (and false hope) of email bankruptcy | 43 Folders
“I’m not prepared to declare bankruptcy just yet, but if you were kind enough to email me a pebble some time over the last few months, there’s a very good chance that I still haven’t found the time to do something appropriately nice with it.”
“It’s like giving a glass of ice water to someone who is in hell” – Steve Jobs on iTunes for Windows
Wars are won on the way that peace is established.