
SEED Conference: Sketchnotes 15-16 (via Mike Rohde) – These notes, taken by Mike Rohde at the recent SEED Conference, are some of the coolest I have ever seen. So beautiful and filled with big ideas, one feels compelled to review them. Click on the picture and take a look at the rest of the set. Truly fantastic. If I had even a quarter of this guy’s talent I would so do this.

Remembering Roy

Roy was big for his breed, kind of dopey but very lovable. If Roy were a human, he would have been a laborer, like a handyman. Stocky, friendly and his pants just barely covering his bum. He would spend more time sitting around and shooting the breeze with you than doing the job at hand but there would be no way you could get mad at him because he would be so lovable. You would just chalk it up to Roy being Roy.

Roy liked to lick soft things, like stuffed animals, rugs and furniture. Once he started he would do this for hours. Licking compulsively as if unable to stop. Roy could not, given this fact, figure out why the cats did not want to play with him. When Roy slept, he would snore loudly and, every once in a while, he would whimper and twitch, obviously having a good dream, probably about licking the cats.

In the last few months Roy had a tough time. He was unable to walk, he lost control over his functions, his hearing was going and he seemed very frustrated and confused. We had to let Roy go to sleep today. I hope he is somewhere peaceful and licking cats.