Pat Benatar – Promises In The Dark (via Tivisson): This is Pat Benatar at her absolute hottest. Amazing female rock vocals. Great song. Killer guitar riff. And will you check ou that lace up cat suit!
Category: thought
Flickr: TRANSISTOR RADIOS’ Photostream
Flickr: TRANSISTOR RADIOS’ Photostream
My dad is going to love this…
Here is a fantastic photstream of vintage transitor radios.
Coutdown: Special Comment May 23, 2008 Part 1 (via videocafeblog ) – Keith Obermann opens up the whole can of truth talking whip ass on HRC and she deserves every bit. Make sure to watch both parts.
Why Zappos Pays New Employees to Quit—And You Should Too – Harvard Business Online’s Bill Taylor
Why Zappos Pays New Employees to Quit—And You Should Too – Harvard Business Online’s Bill Taylor
This is a brilliant strategy. the more I read about this company the more I think others should take notes. These guys are doing everything right.
Sesame Street Original MA NAH MA NA – Go ahead. Try not to smile. I dare ya!
A desire presupposes the possibility of action to achieve it; action presupposes a goal which is worth achieving.
Radiohead – All I Need (Official MTV Video) – “Some things cost more than you realise.”
Caffeine Naps | Mysterious Flame
Caffeine Naps | Mysterious Flame
Interesting concept. May have to give this a shot, especially since I am getting so little sleep due to a newborn taking over my life.
Charles & Marie: Pen Clip
Very cool pen clip for Moleskine style notebooks.
Totally Free: Nine Inch Nails Releases Free Album In High Definition Audio
Totally Free: Nine Inch Nails Releases Free Album In High Definition Audio
“Note to record labels: drop dead.”