A brief review of something I’ve quickly fallen in love with; The Instant Pot: http://patrickrhone.com/2016/08/25/instantpot/
Thought 00013
“About x minutes remaining…” is a lie our computer software tells us to keep us comfortable as we march slowly towards our deaths.
Thought 00012
To have my birthday noted in The Writer’s Almanac. #writinggoal
Thought 00011
Looking at the current market picture, this is beginning to feel like 2008 again.
Link 00010
Reminder: Get $5 off a personally signed copy of my books “This Could Help” or “Enough” the code ‘needhelp’ https://gumroad.com/l/thiscouldhelp
Link 00009
From @Kottke — Cuba’s homemade Internet, delivered by sneaker net: http://kottke.org/16/08/cubas-homemade-internet-delivered-by-sneakernet
Thought 00008
Grocery shopping done. New WordPress site monkeyed with a bit more. Today’s letter sent to subscribers. Dishes cleaned… Exciting day! 🙂
Link 00007
Short on details but the interesting idea is in the title. Write-Only Twitter by @jeffmueller https://jeffmueller.net/2016/08/02/write-only-twitter/
Thought 00006
Thinking about my patterns and flows about where I post stuff, for whom, and why. It’s all for the greater good. Right action.
Shot 00005
Connecting to ground.