
Remainders 10.04.2007

More reports of my stumbles around the internets…
Macworld has a great little tutorial for Mac users on creating a smart folder in the Finder to find recent files and applications. This is a great way to get at documents you have worked on recently that may be scattered in different folders. (via Lifehacker)
Moleskine is now offering it’s classic notebook line with soft covers versus the normal ones. The soft covers are a bit more pliable and, therefore, perhaps even more pocket friendly. (via Moleskinerie)
Like the Pilot G2 series of pens but the point is a little thick for your tastes? Well, Staples is now offering the Ultra Fine Point version (.38mm). Only $14.99 for a dozen. Having been a Pilot G2 fan, I can personally attest that these are a great and relatively inexpensive option. (via Daring Fireball)
Lifehacker has some good tips on how to cover your butt by taking good notes. The idea being that, if you have good notes on a situation, you can have a log of who said/did what, when and how. Great example of how simply having pen and paper at hand can save the day. Here is a quote:

The best way to avoid conflict is to understand what you are being asked to do. The next best way is to have proof that you’re doing what you were asked. That proof is complete and accurate notes. Of all the ways to keep yourself out of trouble and get ahead, your notes—if thorough and detailed—can provide you a clear path.
Great stuff!
Wired Magazine has a great write-up on David Allen, author of Getting Things Done, in it’s current issue. One of the better articles I have seen. They even peek a bit into his personal life and associations with Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness.
Speaking of The David, his series at The Huffington Post continues to impress. His latest entry, “What Does ”Organized“ Really Mean?“
Zen Habits comes through again with 10 Things You Can Do Today to Simplify Your Life. There are some good tips here including one I am a recent fan of – the small to-do list.
Favorite productivity site 43 Folders has had a complete overhaul with not only a new look but new features that make it a lot more easy to find popular and related content. I am still trying to come to terms with some aspects of it. I love the design and feel but I hate the new forums (which I was an active contributor to).