
Quick Take: Behance Action Pads and Cards

I finally broke down and ordered some of those nifty Action Pad Minis and Cards from Behance. They have come today and boy are they nice. I may have a more formal review in the future but here are some initial impressions: Very good paper, nicely designed, and they take pen ink very well. The … Continue reading “Quick Take: Behance Action Pads and Cards”

Quick Take: Getting Started in Blogdom

I have been getting a few requests lately to post some tips about setting up a blog and/or personal web space. I cover mostly blogging here but most of my suggestions can be adapted for other types of sites as well. Without further ado, here are the tools I use, along with some tips, and … Continue reading “Quick Take: Getting Started in Blogdom”

Nokia N800 Video Chatting on ThoughFix

Just a little shameless geek style self promotion. ThoughtFix is a blog with a lot of great info for Nokia Internet Tablet users that I have been reading a lot lately. Dan at ThoughtFix wanted to do a video of the N800 to N800 video chatting feature to post and sent a shout out to … Continue reading “Nokia N800 Video Chatting on ThoughFix”

Random List: Open Protocols

Here is a list of open protocols and standards that I recently have learned more about. It was much to my benefit and hopefully will be to yours as well: Jabber/XMPP – Jabber is an open, free and secure messaging and presence protocol built on streaming XML technologies. Sort of like a “Linux for instant … Continue reading “Random List: Open Protocols”

The iPhone’s Not So Hidden Costs

You may have noticed by the clues in my last post that, while the new iPhone from Apple is cool, I don’t foresee myself getting one in it’s current incarnation any time soon (soon in this case being the moment it is released in June). I know this may come as a surprise to those … Continue reading “The iPhone’s Not So Hidden Costs”